Poster Presentations at APSys 2024

Poster Presentation at APSys 2024

Four students from Shinagawa Laboratory — Momoko Shiraishi (2nd-year Ph.D. student), Sungying Chiang (2nd-year Master’s student), Saiga Ueno (2nd-year Master’s student), and Shintaro Hodai (2nd-year Master’s student) — presented posters at the 15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys 2024).

APSys 2024 is a prominent international workshop in the systems organized by ACM SIGOPS held in the Asia-Pacific region. This year’s event, held in Kyoto, marks the 15th edition, with Professor Shinagawa serving as the General Chair.

The poster presentations covered the following topics: Ms. Shiraishi’s study on C to Rust translation using LLMs, Mr. Chiang’s study on NUMA-aware cooperative scheduling between VMs, Mr. Ueno’s study on fuzzing for detecting container escape vulnerabilities, and Mr. Hodai’s study on secure and highly available credit card payment schemes using TEEs.

Shinagawa Laboratory

Shinagawa Laboratory, The University of Tokyo