Poster Presentations at APSys 2024

Four students from Shinagawa Laboratory — Momoko Shiraishi (2nd-year Ph.D. student), Sungying Chiang (2nd-year Master’s student), Saiga Ueno (2nd-year Master’s student), and Shintaro Hodai (2nd-year Master’s student) — presented posters at the 15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys 2024).
APSys 2024 is a prominent international workshop in the systems organized by ACM SIGOPS held in the Asia-Pacific region. This year’s event, held in Kyoto, marks the 15th edition, with Professor Shinagawa serving as the General Chair.
The poster presentations covered the following topics: Ms. Shiraishi’s study on C to Rust translation using LLMs, Mr. Chiang’s study on NUMA-aware cooperative scheduling between VMs, Mr. Ueno’s study on fuzzing for detecting container escape vulnerabilities, and Mr. Hodai’s study on secure and highly available credit card payment schemes using TEEs.